Our online shop is exactly that – a website where you can buy our product at the click of a mouse.

However, we also offer alternatives for business customers who may not have corporate payment cards or would prefer to use a traditional Purchase Order.

At the point of Checkout, we offer four alternatives:

Purchase Order

PayPal – this is a recognised and safe way to purchase online with your pre-existing Pay Pal account.  Sending money this way means that the funds are immediately credited to our account.

Purchase order – for existing customers who we trade with regularly and have a credit account in place.    By placing an order by purchase order, you are entering into a contract with us to supply the goods which are then invoiced in the normal way with payment based on a 30-day credit account.

Telephone - if you are unhappy about entering your card payment details onto an online store, we can take the details over the telephone and process the payment through the secure SagePay services, while you are on the phone to us.   This way if you have any queries regarding your order, they can be dealt with before payment is made.

Stripe – like PayPal, Stripe is a recognised and safe way for payment to be made for online purchases.   You will be linked through to a secure payment portal where your payment card details are processed quickly and easily.

Corporate or promotional codes are set up for those customers who already have an agreed discount structure with us.    These can be activated when purchasing online by entering the Discount or Promotional code at the checkout stage of the process.   

If you prefer to speak to us about any of the above services, please feel free to contact us on 01491 838156.